Mathematical Programming

Minimum and Maximum

So, let's say you are writing a mathematical program, and you reason that

xyxy>1.x\ne y\Rightarrow\frac{x}{y}>1.

Right? The ratio must be more than one if they are not equal. But then, someone tells you, it's only true if


Argh! There goes your wonderful conjecture. You could write that

xymax(x,y)min(x,y)>1.x\ne y\Rightarrow\frac{\max\left(x,y\right)}{\min\left(x,y\right)}>1.

But, those are non-standard functions!

Let's try to make a max\max function using only standard functions.

What we'll do is figure out whether xyx-y is positive or negative. Then, we'll return xx if it is positive and yy if it is negative.  To figure out whether it is positive or negative, we compute

isPositive(xy)=xyxy+12{+1,0}\text{isPositive}\left(x-y\right) = \frac{\frac{\left|x-y\right|}{x-y}+1}{2}\Rightarrow\left\{+\rightarrow1, -\rightarrow 0 \right\}

Okay, cool. Now, when the function returns positive, we want to return x.x. We can do that by multiplying by x:x:

max(x,y)=xxyxy+12{xx, y0}\max\left(x,y\right) = x\cdot\frac{\frac{\left|x-y\right|}{x-y}+1}{2}\Rightarrow\left\{x\rightarrow x,\ y\rightarrow0\right\}

Oh, but now we get 00 when the maximum is y!y! We can add the same function, but comparing against y:y:

max(x,y)=xxyxy+12+yxyyx+12{xx,yy}\max\left(x,y\right) = x\cdot\frac{\frac{\left|x-y\right|}{x-y}+1}{2}+y\cdot\frac{\frac{\left|x-y\right|}{y-x}+1}{2}\Rightarrow\left\{x\rightarrow x, y\rightarrow y\right\}

Great! Now we just need a minimum function. All we need to do is switch the outputs:

min(x,y)=yxyxy+12+xxyyx+12{xx, yy}\min\left(x,y\right) = y\cdot\frac{\frac{\left|x-y\right|}{x-y}+1}{2}+x\cdot\frac{\frac{\left|x-y\right|}{y-x}+1}{2}\Rightarrow\left\{x\rightarrow x,\ y\rightarrow y\right\}

Can you fix my conjecture for me now? Thanks!  

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