Mathematical Programming

Absolute Value

Why is this useful?

Many times, we just want the magnitude of our number. For example, if we're calculating the distance between two numbers, we will want the absolute value of their difference.

In Python, this would be

def distanceBetween(x: float, y: float) -> float:
    return abs(x-y);

However, a four function calculator does not have absolute value on it! We are restricted to the four functions of arithmetic.

We can start by computing


However, if y>xy>x, then this will produce a negative value. This is where an absolute value function comes in. If you have the basic calculator we mentioned earlier, you don't have a button for absolute value (yet). Let's make one!

Finding magnitude

To find the magnitude of a value xx, we need a function that ignores its sign. Then, we can undo the function. The most simple such function is the square function:


Happy absolute-valueing!1

  1. This functionality will be reffered to in the future using conventional absolute value signs. The ability to compute the absolute value of a quantity will be assumed hereafter.
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