Mathematical Programming


A sketchy use-case

Often, as we saw in the last lesson, we need to make choices depending on whether a number is larger than another. For example, let's say we have two test grades, xx and yy. Whoever got the higher test grade get five extra credit points for superb performance.

In Python, this would look something like the following.

def applyExtraCredit(x: float, y: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
    return ( (x+5 if isLarger(x,y) else 0) + (x if not isLarger(x,y) else 0),
     (y+5 if isLarger(y, x) else 0) + (y if not isLarger(y, x) else 0))
 # There is definitely a better way to do this using python, but
 # the above code models what we'll be doing using math.

Defining a comparison function

In order for this to work, we'll need a boolean function isLarger(x,y)\text{isLarger}(x,y) that returns whether or not x>yx>y.

We can test if xyx-y is positive. If it is, then we can be sure that x>yx>y.

Luckily, we have a function for that already which we derived in the previous lesson:

isPositive(x)=xx+12{+1,0}\text{isPositive}\left(x\right) = \frac{\frac{\left|x\right|}{x}+1}{2}\Rightarrow\left\{+\rightarrow1, -\rightarrow 0 \right\}

So now, we just need to plug in xyx-y to this function, and we will get our answer.

isLarger(x,y)=xyxy+12{yes1,no0}\text{isLarger}\left(x, y\right) = \frac{\frac{\left|x-y\right|}{x-y}+1}{2}\Rightarrow\left\{\text{yes}\rightarrow1, \text{no}\rightarrow 0 \right\}
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